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Single-molecule spectroscopy, imaging, and photocontrol: Foundations for super-resolution microscopy
Light & Single-Molecule Spectroscopy, Imaging, & Photocontrol - W.E. Moerner
W.E. Moerner plenary presentation: Single-molecule spectroscopy, imaging, and photocontrol
Microscopy: Super-Resolution Microscopy (Xiaowei Zhuang)
William E. Moerner: Single-Molecule Spectroscopy, Blinking, and Photocontrol
Real-time single-molecule based super-resolution microscopy reconstruction theoretical and practical
An introduction to super-resolution microscopy of living cells
Super-Resolution Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy: Tricks of the Trade
Discussion with Dr. William E. Moerner at the OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress
How Super-Resolution Microscopy Reveals New Dimensions of Life | W.E. Moerner
20th Anniversary Single Molecule Spectroscopy Workshop
ZEISS ELYRA: 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for Superresolution Microscopy Methods